Timmins Fitness Alternatives

Drop-In Class : Neurodivergent Ribbons, Rings, Rope, Rolls and Explorative Movement (Youth All Ages)
with Coach Cortny & Coach Lindsey

January 14 (Tuesday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
60 minutes

303 Cameron Street S

- For Information Click Read More -

*Must have an account and purchase a Drop-In Class Pass  to register for this class*

Runs : Wednesdays 5:00-6:00PM 
Location: 303 Cameron St. South
Description : 

Coach Cortny & Lindsey bring this exciting new program that combines coordination and precision work with hints of dance, juggling and balance work. 

*This class is specifically geared towards a Neurodivergent learning environment. 

This program combines the use of ribbon wands, juggle rings, ball balancing, aerial scarves and rope work to help your child develop elegance and fluidity, with smooth throws, catches, and rolls. They will learn how to manipulate the various objects to emphasize artistry with their leaps, throws, and continuous movement. They will aim to develop these newfound skills to create mini performances with their object manipulation and body flow. This is both an intro to the art of these apparatuses as well as an exploration into ground artistic flow work. 

Make an Account :
Get a pass : 
Go to the Schedule to book spots :


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