*Must have an account and purchase a Drop-In Class Pass to register for this class*
Runs: Thursdays 6:30-7:30PM
Location: 440 Algonquin Blvd. East
Does your child want to be the next American Ninja Warrior? Then Ninja classes are perfect for them!
This class focuses on breaking down various ninja hanging, swinging, balance and obstacle specific skills. Each week we work on different obstacles building strength, endurance, and most importantly confidence. They will learn the foundations of being a Ninja Warrior, such as safety techniques, running, jumping, explosive movements, tumbling, handstands, swinging, high flying releases, balance, agility, and of course beating the warped wall.
Utilizing our new 30 foot long Ninja Truss, Warped Walls and various hanging, balance and jumping obstacles your child's skills will be challenged every time they visit their new home for NINJA!